Your company website can have a major impact on business success, and it’s a huge part of your brand. Often, your website serves as a first impression with customers, directly influencing their decision about whether to move forward with a purchase. As a result, you need to make sure your site is on point.

Crafting an amazing site might seem like a challenge, but by following specific best practices, it’s easier than you’d expect. To help, here are a few quick tips for creating a company website with business growth in mind.

Choose the Right Domain Name

Your domain name can have an impact on your company’s success. When choosing a domain for your site, you need to focus on options that amplify or augment your brand. Ideally, it should have a strong, definitive connection to your products or services, ensuring there’s no doubt regarding what you offer.

Additionally, the domain needs to be memorable with a low chance of errors. Use words or phrases that are easy to recall and be wary of words that are commonly misspelled by the broader population.

Consider the Visual Elements

If you want your website to make a good first impression, aesthetics matter. Along with having a specific color scheme, usually limited to no more than four colors within the palette, it’s also important to maintain enough whitespace. Avoiding large blocks of text or images stacked on top of one another gives everything room to breathe, improving readability.

Additionally, embrace responsive web design. With responsive designs, how the website displays adapt to a range of screen sizes and configurations. That way, the site looks attractive regardless of the viewer’s device type.

Creating an eye-catching banner is another excellent choice. While you always have the option of hiring a graphic designer, you can go another route. By using an online banner maker instead, you can create banners for your site and social media profiles, ensuring they are a perfect size for the platform

Finally, don’t overlook the benefits of adding video to your website. This is a great way to show off your brand’s personality, and it boosts customer engagement and web traffic. Incorporating video content doesn’t have to be costly, and if you work with freelance video editing services, you can get the content you need without spending a fortune. 

Include the Right Integrations

When it comes to streamlining company operations, integrations are an excellent tool. They help you centralize a wide range of activities, eliminating the need to shift between numerous systems to accomplish various tasks.

In most cases, the first step you’ll want to take is integrating your customer relationship management (CRM) solution and enterprise resource planning (ERP) tool. After that, by integrating your website, you accomplish several things. First, you’ll reduce the need for data entry, allowing you to focus more energy on other tasks while reducing errors. Second, you’ll be able to tackle customer management, purchase processing, inventory tracking, and order monitoring through one portal, eliminating the need to access several applications to accomplish critical tasks.

Improve Your Page Speed

A sluggish website is often an annoyance in the eyes of customers. If your page speed is slower than competitors, many prospective buyers may choose to head elsewhere instead of completing a purchase. Plus, page speed impacts SEO, influencing where your website lands among search results lists.

If you’re having trouble with page speed, there are steps you can take. In some cases, upgrading your web hosting plan could be enough. Enabling compression may help, as well as eliminating unnecessary redirects, leveraging browser caching, and reducing HTTP requests.

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